Mailo spaces

Mailo spaces regroup Mailo accounts and offer them communication and sharing tools.

A mail system reserved for all

Mailo spaces can be used by all kinds of groups of users:

  • For families, an account for each member, a family domain name and a website
  • For children, a 100% secure address and a recreational interface
  • For professionals, the mail system, the domain name and the website of your company
  • For associations, the mail system, the domain name and the website of your association
  • For schools, an educational mail system for pupils
  • For municipalities, the administrative e-mails and the communal mail system

Your domain name

  • Purchase a domain name to customize your e-mail addresses.
  • Transfer on Mailo pour Lilo a domain name you have bought somewhere else.
  • Declare a domain name you already own to use it with the Mailo pour Lilo services.

Your website

  • Mailo pour Lilo allows you to put your own web pages online: personal site, blog...
  • Promote your company on the web and create your Internet showcase.
  • Promote your association on the web and create your Internet showcase.

To create a free Mailo space

  • You must have a Mailo pour Lilo account.
  • In your Mailo pour Lilo account, select "Mailo spaces" in the menu.
  • Create a Mailo space.